“A timely and smart discussion of how different cities and regions have made a changing economy work for them — and how policymakers can learn from that to lift the circumstances of working Americans everywhere"
Barack Obama
“The New Geography of Jobs” is must reading for anyone trying to understand the state of America"
Paul Krugman, The New York Times
"The most important book of the decade on the contemporary economy"
William Galston, The Wall Street Journal
“Moretti has written the most important book of the year, I can't recommend it enough. The Cal-Berkeley economic professor's book is extremely necessary for politicians and commentators alike, book that artfully slays myriad myths that cloud the economic debate. Brilliant”
“Enrico Moretti is a first-rate empirical researcher who has taught us much about the geographic impact of human capital and a variety of public investments. His book, The New Geography of Jobs, is well-written and filled with important facts and wise policy advice. […] Both local policymakers and national leaders interested in policies with a geographical edge would do well to read the book”
Edward Glaeser
“A bold vision.”
MIT Sloan Management Review
“The New Geography of Jobs, examines how and why hiring is stronger in some U.S. cities than in others"
PBS NewsHour
“As Enrico Moretti writes in The New Geography of Jobs, the magnet places have positive ecologies that multiply innovation, creativity and wealth. The abandoned places have negative ecologies and fall further behind”
David Brooks, The New York Times
“Everyone should read "The New Geography of Jobs," by University of California-Berkeley economist Enrico Moretti. It's probably the most important popular economics book of the decade”
Noah Smith, Bloomberg View
“[A] persuasive look at why some U.S. cities have prospered in recent decades while others have declined"
“Moretti has written a clear and insightful account of the economic forces that are shaping America and its regions”
The New Republic
“Whatever this month unemployment report turns out to be, it's probably not going to be great news for the Rust Belt. Best guesses are manufacturing jobs are still scarce. Meanwhile, new economy places like Silicon Valley continue to thrive. The difference? Location, location, location. So says economist Enrico Moretti in his latest book, The New Geography of Jobs.”
NPR MarketPlace
“It is a great and disturbing book about the sweeping changes that are going on in American communities.”
“Moretti’s book suggests that for each additional job in the average high-tech firm, five additional jobs are created outside that firm in the local community.”
NPR All Things Considered
“In a new book, The New Geography of Jobs, University of California at Berkeley economics professor Enrico Moretti argues that for each job in the software, technology and life-sciences industries, five new jobs are indirectly created in the local economy. Mr. Moretti calculated such a multiplier effect by examining U.S. Census Bureau data from eight million workers in 320 areas during the past 30 years”
The Wall Street Journal
“Economist Enrico Moretti finds that earnings of a high school graduate increase 7% for every 10% increase in the percent of people in a city that are college graduates. While having more high- skilled workers around tends to raise everyone's salaries, Moretti's research shows that low-skilled workers benefit four to five times more than college graduates”
The Atlantic
“Professor Moretti is a visionary scholar and one of the most important new voices in economics.”
The Costa Report
“The book is an inviting read. It is dense with ideas, but spiced liberally with local detail.”
The Journal of Economic Geography
“[There is] a growing divide among American cities. […] he divide shows signs of widening as college graduates gravitate to places with many other college graduates and the atmosphere that creates. "This is one of the most important developments in the recent economic history of this country," said Enrico Moretti, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, who recently published a book on the topic, The New Geography of Jobs”
The New York Times
“The choice of where you live is the most important choice an American worker can make today.”
The Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC
“A fresh, provocative analysis of the debate on education and employment. A welcome contribution from a newcomer who provides both a different view and balance in addressing one of the country's more profound problems.”
Kirkus Reviews
“If there's one current book I'd recommend to leaders in American cities today, it's Enrico Moretti's The New Geography of Jobs.”
The Urbanophile
“Enrico Moretti’s, The New Geography of Jobs has been exceptionally well received by many of the economic development literati. Some commentators have described New Geography as the best economic development book of 2013. And if you don’t read New Geography, you would also miss reading the best, most readable explanation and defense of innovation, knowledge-based economics and their effects on the location of jobs in the United States. There is a lot going on in New Geography.”
Journal of Applied Research in Economic Development
“An important new book.”
The American
“Prof. Moretti's findings are both significant and provocative.”
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
“The New Geography of Jobs is arguably the most important book about urban economics published this year. Author Enrico Moretti, an Italian-born economics professor at Berkeley, analyzes the great divergence occurring between metropolitan regions in the United States. While much of his narrative about the innovation sector as the key driver in regional growth will be familiar to readers of Richard Florida, Moretti provides a valuable counterbalance to Florida’s theories about the creative class.”
Bacon's Rebellion
“The book is excellent, I strongly recommend it.”
Adam Ozimek , Forbes
“Enrico Moretti's superb book highlights why the study of economic geography is vital for understanding fundamental issues such as the root causes of rising income inequality, innovation, and job growth. For those who are curious about how the United States will continue to thrive in the global 21st century economy, I can think of no better book to read than The New Geography of Jobs.”
Matthew E. Kahn
“Moretti's book is well-written, well-argued, and important. The New Geography of Jobs is the sort of economics that should be widely read, digested, and discussed.”
The Digital Quad
“The message of his very well written and prize-winning book is important. And Enrico is right that we should pay attention to the geography of where smart people are choosing to work, play, and live their lives. Ultimately, it has consequences for all of us."
The Creativity Post
“If you’re thinking of a career change or new employment, or if job creation is your Number One priority this year, this is a book you’ll want first. You’ll need solid, hard-core information to do it. And for that, The New Geography of Jobs is hard to resist.”
Independent News
“Enrico Moretti has written an important book that every student of local economic development should read. His perspective is dynamic, placing the present situation in the context of the evolution of industrial production and labor markets over the past 50 year.”
Berkeley Planning Journal
“Wow. . . Without referring to Charles Murray, Moretti blows Coming Apart totally out of the water, replacing Murray's moralistic sociology with solid economics.”
“We are habituated to thinking about U.S. inequality across people: By education, race, and ethnicity. Moretti convincingly demonstrates that the inequalities that matter most in early 21st century America are the differences across places. An individual standard of living is increasingly determined by where she lives, not just what she does”
Inside Higher Ed
“Moretti has done a good deed by sitting down to write. He's clear and concise. He has writer's knack for pulling out the illustrative detail while never losing the broad sweep of events. It is truly a skill to be equally at home in the abstract realm of statistics and the very emotion-laden world of human decision-making. Most economists forget that the conclusions they draw from their sample populations also contain the drama of people's actual lives within them. Moretti remembers this while avoiding another trap of economists”
Sam Seidel
“In The New Geography of Jobs, Moretti explains how innovative industries bring 'good jobs' and high salaries to the communities where they cluster, and their impact on the local economy is much deeper than their direct effect.”
Buffalo Rising