Papers by Topic
The Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity: Causes and Consequences
"Where Have All the Good Jobs Gone? Changes in the Geography of Work in the US, 1980-2021" (with G. Hanson) 2025
"The Fertility Decline and the Geographical Location of Families with Children" (with D. Sandler) 2025
"Traffic Noise, Housing Prices and Electric Vehicles" (with H. Wheeler) 2025
"Size Matters: Matching Externalities and The Advantages of Large Labor Markets" (with M. Yi) 2024 [Paper]
“The World's Rust Belts: The Heterogeneous Effects of Deindustrialization on 1,993 Cities in Six Countries” (with L. Gagliardi and M. Serafinelli) 2024 [Paper]
“Where is Standard of Living the Highest? Local Prices and the Geography of Consumption” (with R. Diamond) 2024 [Paper]
“Estimating Who Benefits From Productivity Growth: Local and Distant Effects of City Productivity Growth on Wages, Rents, and Inequality ” (with R. Hornbeck), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024 [Paper]
“Taxing Billionaires: Estate Taxes and the Geographical Location of the Ultra-Wealthy” (with D. Wilson) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15(2), 2023 [Paper]
“The Intellectual Spoils of War? Defense R&D, Productivity and International Spillovers”(with C. Steinwender and J. Van Reenen), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2025 [Paper]
“The Effect of High-Tech Clusters on the Productivity of Top Inventors” American Economic Review, 111(10), 2021 [Paper]
“The Agglomeration of Urban Amenities: Evidence from Milan Restaurants” (with M. Leonardi), American Economic Review: Insights, 2023 [Paper]
“Matching in Cities” (with W. Dauth, S. Findeisen and J. Suedekum), Journal of the European Economic Association, 20(4), 2022. [Paper]
“Place-Based Productivity and Costs in Science” (with J. Gruber and S. Johnson), in "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy", B. Jones and J. Lerner Eds., University of Chicago Press, 2023. [Paper]
“Place Based Policies and Geographical Inequalities”, Oxford Open Economics, 2024.
“Wage Equalization and Regional Misallocation: Evidence from Italian and German Provinces” (with T. Boeri, A. Ichino and J. Posch) Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(6), 2021. [Paper]
“Housing Constraints and Spatial Misallocation (with C. Hsieh), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11 (2), 2019 [Paper]
“The Effect of State Taxes on the Geographical Location of Top Earners: Evidence from Star Scientists” (with D. Wilson), American Economic Review, 107(7), 2017. [Paper][Data and Codes]
“Local Economic Development, Agglomeration Economies and the Big Push: 100 Years of Evidence from the Tennessee Valley Authority" (with P. Kline), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(1), 2014. [Paper] [Data and Codes]
“State Incentives for Innovation, Star Scientists and Jobs: Evidence from Biotech" (with D. Wilson), The Journal of Urban Economics, 79, 2013. [Paper]
“People, Places and Public Policy: Some Simple Welfare Economics of Local Economic Development Programs” (with P. Kline), Annual Review of Economics, 6, 2014. [Paper]
“Place Based Policies with Unemployment” (with P. Kline) American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 103 (3), 2013. [Paper]
“Are Cities the New Growth Escalator?” in “The Urban Imperative: Towards Competitive Cities”, A. Joshi-Ghani and E. Glaeser Eds., Oxford University Press, 2015.
“Real Wage Inequality" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5 (1), 2013. [Paper]
Best Paper Prize - American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
“Local Labor Markets”, in Handbook of Labor Economics, Elsevier, 2011. [Paper]
“Local Multipliers and Human Capital in the US and Sweden” (with P. Thulin), Industrial and Corporate Change, 22, 2013. [Paper]
“Local Multipliers” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 100(2), 2010. [Paper]
“Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Winners and Losers of Large Plant Openings" (with M. Greenstone and R. Hornbeck), Journal of Political Economy, 118(3), 2010. [Paper]
"The Geography of Giving: The Effect of Corporate Headquarters on Local Charities" (with D. Card and K. Hallock), Journal of Public Economics, 94(3-4), 2010 [Paper]
"Workers' Education, Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions", American Economic Review 94(3), 2004 [Paper] [Codes]
"Estimating the Social Return to Higher Education: Evidence From Longitudinal and Repeated Cross-Sectional Data", Journal of Econometrics 121(1-2), 2004 [Paper]
“Human Capital Externalities in Cities", Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, North Holland-Elsevier, 2004 [Paper]
“Can Free Entry be Inefficient? Fixed Commissions and Social Waste in the Real Estate Industry" (with C. Hsieh), Journal of Political Economy 111(5), 2003 [Paper]
“The Dynamics of Criminal Behavior" (with B. Jacob and L. Lefgren), Journal of Human Resources, 42(3), 2007 [Paper]
“Bidding for Industrial Plants: Does Winning a 'Million Dollar Plant' Increase Welfare?” (with M. Greenstone), mimeo, 2004 [Paper]
“Social Networks and Migrations: Italy 1876-1913", International Migration Review 33(3), 1999
Peer Effects
“Inequality at Work: the Effect of Peer Salaries on Job Satisfaction” (with D. Card, A. Mas and E. Saez), American Economic Review, 102(6), 2012. [Paper]
“Peers at Work" (with A. Mas), American Economic Review, 99(1), 2009 [Paper]
“Social Learning and Peer Effects in Consumption: Evidence from Movie Sales", Review of Economic Studies, 2011. [Paper]
Social Returns to Education
“The Effect of Education on Criminal Activity: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests and Self-Reports" (with L. Lochner), American Economic Review 94(1), 2004 [Paper] [Data]
“Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings" (with J. Currie), Quarterly Journal of Economics 118(4), 2003 [Paper]
“Workers' Education, Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions", American Economic Review 94(3), 2004 [Paper] [Codes]
“Estimating the Social Return to Higher Education: Evidence From Longitudinal and Repeated Cross-Sectional Data", Journal of Econometrics 121(1-2), 2004 [Paper]
“Does Education Improve Citizenship? Evidence from the U.S. and the U.K." (with K. Milligan and P. Oreopoulos), Journal of Public Economics 88(9-10), 2004 [Paper]
“Human Capital Externalities in Cities", Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, North Holland-Elsevier, 2004 [Paper]
“Private and Social Returns to Education”, Rivista di Politica Economica, 96 (5-6), 2006.
“Biological Gender Differences, Absenteeism and the Earning Gap" (with A. Ichino), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(1), 2009 [Paper]
“Superfund Cleanups and Infant Health" (with J. Currie and M. Greenstone), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2011. [Paper]
“Pollution, Health, and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from the Ports of Los Angeles" (with M. Neidell), Journal of Human Resources, 46(1), 2011[Paper]
“The Effects of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity" (with J. Currie, S. Della Vigna, V. Pathania), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2(3), 2010[Paper]
“Extreme Weather Events, Mortality and Migration" (with O. Deschenes), Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(4), 2009 [Paper]
“Do Microfinance Programs Help Families Insure Consumption Against Illness? (with P. Gertler and D. Levine), Health Economics, 2009.
“Did the Introduction of Food Stamps Affect Birth Outcomes in California?” (with J. Currie), in "Making Americans Healthier", Shoeni, House and Kaplan eds., Russell Sage, 2008.
“Biology As Destiny? Short and Long-Run Determinants of Intergenerational Transmission of Birth Weight" (with J. Currie), Journal of Labor Economics, 25(2), pp. 231-264, 2007 [Paper]
“Does Managed Care Hurt Health? Evidence from Medicaid Mothers" (with A. Aizerand J. Currie), Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(3), 2007 [Paper]
“Is Social Capital the Capital of the Poor? The Role of Family and Community in Helping Insure Living Standards Against Health Shocks" (with P. Gertler and D. Levine), CESifo Economic Studies, 2006.
“Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings" (with J. Currie), Quarterly Journal of Economics 118(4), 2003 [Paper]
“Optimal Environmental Policies Under Uncertainty and Irreversibility" (in Italian), Il Giornale degli Economisti 52(1-3), 1993
Economics of the Family & Intergenerational Mobility
“The Demand for Sons" (with G. Dahl), Review of Economic Studies, 75(4), 2008 [Paper]
“Biology As Destiny? Short and Long-Run Determinants of Intergenerational Transmission of Birth Weight" (with J. Currie), Journal of Labor Economics, 25(2), pp. 231-264, 2007 [Paper]
“The Political Economy of Intergenerational Income Mobility” (with A. Ichino and L. Karabarbounis), Economic Inquiry, 49(1), 2011[Paper]
“Why Do Most Italian Youths Live With Their Parents? Intergenerational Transfers and Household Structure " (with M. Manacorda), Journal of the European Economic Association, 4(4), 2006 [Paper]
“Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings" (with J. Currie), Quarterly Journal of Economics 118(4), 2003 [Paper]
Political Economy
“The Political Economy of Intergenerational Income Mobility” (with A. Ichino and L. Karabarbounis), Economic Inquiry, 49(1), 2011[Paper]
“Racial Bias in the 2008 Presidential Election" (with A. Mas), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 99(2), 2009. [Paper]
“Bayesian Learning and the Pricing of New Information: Evidence from Prediction Markets" (with D. Lee), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 99(2), 2009. [Paper]
“Did Iraq Cheat the United Nations? Underpricing, Bribes, and the Oil for Food Program" (with C. Hsieh), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(4), 2006 [Paper]
“Does Voting Technology Affect Election Outcomes? Touch-screen Voting and the 2004 Presidential Elections" (with D. Card), Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(4), 2007 [Paper]
“Do Voters Affect or Elect Policies? Evidence from the U.S. House " (with D. Lee and M. Butler), Quarterly Journal of Economics 119(3), 2004 [Paper] [Data]
“Does Education Improve Citizenship? Evidence from the U.S. and the U.K." (with K. Milligan and P. Oreopoulos), Journal of Public Economics 88(9-10), 2004 [Paper]
“Estimating and Testing Models with Many Treatment Levels and Limited Instruments" (with L. Lochner), Review of Economics and Statistics, 97, 2015. [Paper]
“Winning by Losing: Evidence on the Long-Run Effects of Mergers" (with U. Malmendier and F. Peters), The Review of Financial Studies, 31(8), 2018. [Paper]
“A Small Sample Estimator For Sample Selection" (with A. Golan and J. Perloff), Econometric Reviews 23(1), 2004 [Paper]
“An Information Based Sample Selection Model of Agricultural Workers' Choice Between Piece Rate and Hourly Work" (with A. Golan and J. Perloff), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81(3), 2000
Agricultural Labor
“Efficiency Wages and Deferred Payments in Agriculture" (with J. Perloff), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(4), 2002
“Do Wages Compensate for Risk of Unemployment? Parametric and Semiparametric Evidence from Seasonal Jobs", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 20(1), 2000
“Use of Public Transfer Programs and Private Aid by Farm Workers" (with J. Perloff), Industrial Relations 39(1), 2000